by Eco Dogs And Cats | Jan 9, 2017 | Animal Rights, Blog, Product Reviews, Uncategorized, Vegan Cats, Vegan Dog
We all love to buy toys for our furry friends, but have you stopped to take a look at where it is made, or what sort of materials it is made from? More than 80% of all toys are made in China. In the past decade, toys made in China, have repeatedly been shown to be...
by Eco Dogs And Cats | May 22, 2015 | Animal Rights, Blog, Product Reviews, Uncategorized
Eco Dogs and Cats is excited to be adding an exclusive organic pet food to our selection. After much research and we have decided that in the near future we will be carrying Benevo vegan pet food. Benevo is an independent producer of vegan pet food as well as treats....
by Eco Dogs And Cats | Nov 7, 2014 | Animal Rights, Blog
Eco Dogs and Cats is a vegan owned and operated company. We believe in compassion for all sentient beings. We know it’s unnecessary to exploit, to inflict suffering, and to take the lives of others for our benefit. We have the privilege of having access to...
by Eco Dogs And Cats | Oct 1, 2014 | Animal Rights, Blog
If you aren’t familiar with Ag-Gag laws and care about human rights and/or animal rights, you should start getting familiar. These laws directly target whistleblowers, investigators and journalists involved in the animal agriculture industry. We all deserve the...